Raising Teenagers & Young Adults

Are you are in middle school, managing the first confusions of puberty? Or in high school stressing which college to go to and how to get in? Or are you a young adult managing new freedoms and responsibilities? Teenagers have a lot to navigate in life. School concerns and relationship problems with friends and “friends” are difficult enough. Throw in the added complication of FaceBook, Twitter, Tumbler, Oovoo, you name it and life becomes even more complicated. It is a lot easier to spread rumors and create drama with social media as the backdrop. Combine the emotional, impulsive nature of the typical teen and the instant gratification of social media and you have a recipe for disaster at your fingertips. In a world where potential employers are googling interviewees and requesting access to your FaceBook page, indiscretions made today may be readily accessible in the future.

Can parents really monitor their teen’s online activities effectively? Probably not. You can certainly try but chances are, your kids are better at it than you are. Every time your child leaves the house without you to hang out in the neighborhood or go to the mall, their behavior is out of your hands. They can cuss, drink, use drugs, have sex… Sorry, not to panic you. Much as we might like to, parents can’t be there at every moment.

Therapy is a good place for teens to come and talk about the things they do in secret with an adult who isn’t a parent. We can discuss the risky choices Sammy is making without the fear and judgment that is inherent in the parent/child relationship. It is a parent’s job to set limits and get upset over the scary things that teens sometimes do. It is my job to listen without judgment and help teens see for themselves what is and isn’t working as a result of the choices they are making online and in life.

I do not have to give your teenager a diagnosis in order to help them make sense of this part of life unless it is truly warranted. But if you would like to give your teen a safe place to open up and think through the choices he or she is making every day, please contact me now to learn more about life coaching and therapy.