The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning members of families have a lot on their plates to balance. Sexuality and attraction and gender identity are very personal matters that seem to be up for debate and judgement far too frequently in everyday discussion and in the media. If you need a safe place to work out feelings about your gender or sexuality or you have family problems that need some attention I can help.

I think most therapists would agree that it is important not to discriminate against individuals based on race, religion, socioeconomic status, gender identity, hair color (although I’m partial to purple)…the list goes on. Malcolm Gladwell writes in the book Blink about how we often can not identify our own prejudices, including the ones we have about ourselves. I strive (as best as my unconscious mind will allow) to provide a safe environment for everyone including the LGBTQ community. If you have any particular concerns about my knowledge or understanding of your unique family please talk to me about it and throw a pillow at me if I say or do something boneheaded. I can learn but I may need your guidance as well. In the end, family is family and sometimes we all need help to work out the rough spots.


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Lorah Bess Hauf, LCPC

Please, call me Bess.  I am a Licensed, Clinical, Professional, Counselor (LCPC) in the state of Maryland. I grew up in Florida and attended a tiny little college in South Carolina called Erskine for my undergraduate education. I went on to Loyola College of Maryland to study for my Masters in Counseling  Psychology and have been working full time with families since 2001.

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